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Our Journey

Real activities we've implemented so far, and our design

Pilot study

  • 1 group (2 local students and 2 non-local students)

  • Recruitment: Snowball sampling method

    • Recruited one local and one non-local friend.

    • The non-local brought an exchange student (non-local).

    • The exchange student brought another local friend

Program Schedule 

(Week0: Introductory session; Week1: Food; Week2: Music & Movies; Week3: Childhood; Week4: Closing session)


[Week0] (self-introduction, pre-test, ice-breaking game, event rundown, briefing of weekly activities)

[Week1] (Guiding Questions, group discussion)

Theme: Food

1. What are some dishes that you have on certain occasions / festivals?

2. What snacks from your place do you enjoy? Would you recommend them?

3. What do your family usually cook for you at home? Do you like it and why?

[Week2] (Guiding Questions, group discussion)

Theme: Music & Movie

1. What are the special / popular genres of movie / music in your culture?

2. What are your favourite movies?

3. ⁠Who are your favourite music artists?

[Week3] (Guiding Questions, group discussion)

Theme: Childhood

1. What is your favourite childhood movie/cartoon?

2. ⁠Do you have any special birthday traditions?

3. How was your school life?

[Week4] (post-test, feedbacks, rewards)

Actual study

  • 7 groups (18 local students and 16 non-local students)

  • Recruitment: Volunteer sampling method

    • Posted a poster (on social media, mass mail etc. ) to advertise the event.

    • Those who are interested in making new friends or rewards participated in the event voluntarily.


Program Schedule 

(Week0: Introductory session; Week1: Food; Week2: Music & Movies; Week3: Childhood; Week4: Closing session) 

[Week0] (self-introduction, pre-test, ice breaking game, event rundown, briefing of weekly activities)

[Week1] (Guiding Questions, group discussion)

Theme: Food

1. What are some dishes that you have on certain occasions / festivals?

2. What snacks from your place do you enjoy? Would you recommend them?

3. What do your family usually cook for you at home? Do you like it and why?

[Week2] (Guiding Questions, group discussion)

Theme: Relationship

1. What are some traditional gender roles or expectations that are related to relationships in your culture?

2. How do people typically meet their potential partners in your culture?

3.  Is online dating/ dating apps common in your country?

[Week3] (Guiding Questions, group discussion)

Theme: Stereotype

1. What stereotypes do others have about people from your country?

2. What stereotypes do you have of certain groups of people? On what experience do you base your stereotype?

3. To what extent do you think those stereotypes are true / false?

[Week4] (post-test, lucky draw, returning deposit)

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